Unity tips: Editor Tools
Spend some time working on simple tools to help you when you need to debug your game.
I’ve been working with Unity3D for almost a decade and I know that editor tools are a handy and powerful.
I wouldn’t recommend them if you are prototyping, but If you are fully on with your next project, spend some time implementing editor windows or those nice editor buttons to test functionality.
Trust me, they save time, and sometimes they are faster than press play and create a messy test.cs script which has lots of a bad code.
But don’t get crazy, don’t start making tools everywhere because that’s not the point.
Here some examples:
In my new project, a 2D cute puzzle game with cats and… zombies (crazy ha!), we have the informants as long stripes with different sections.
Each level shows a different section. We could opt for just create different prefabs, but we decided to create a tool to select how long the environment is, and in which section starts.
Instead, we have 2 slices to select how many sections and the length.
We also have 2 buttons to create and destroy the backgrounds.